Weirdest fish in the ocean


The strangest animal on Earth is the coelacanth. It is a deep-sea fish that has been around for over 200 million years. It was thought to be extinct until it was discovered in 1938 off the coast of South Africa . and it is still considered a mystery how this fish survived so long.

The 90-million-year-old fish showed up at the bottom of the Indian Ocean and can grow up to 3.7 meters long and weigh more than 200 kilograms.

Weirdest fish in the ocean
Weirdest fish in the ocean

The coelacanth is the strangest animal on Earth because it is not only a fish, but also a lungfish and an amphibian.

Coelacanths are an ancient group of fish that have been around for almost 200 million years. Although they are rarely seen by humans or other animals, these fish have survived the evolution of other species and can still be found in the deep sea. These unique animals have been able to survive because they live in a very specific place–the deep sea–where few species can survive.


Weirdest fish in the ocean
Weirdest fish in the ocean

The coelacanth is also known as the Living fossil because it has remained unchanged over millions of years. The first-ever live specimen was captured in 1938 by a fisherman, who was shocked when he saw the creature swimming in his catch. Although there have been countless claims of the coelacanth being extinct, its existence has been confirmed through DNA and physical evidence.

Coelacanths are the only living species of lobe-finned fish. They are found in the southern oceans, and they have been extinct for millions of years. However, in 1938, a fisherman caught a coelacanth off the coast of South Africa. The discovery has been hailed as one of the most important fossil finds in history and has now made these odd creatures famous across planet Earth.

It has been around for over 400 million years and scientists are still learning new things about this ancient creature.

Weirdest fish in the ocean
Weirdest fish in the ocean

Scientists are still learning new things about the ancient creature that has been around for over 400 million years. It has a skeleton composed of calcium and silicon, but it is not certain what the original form of this ancient creature was. This tiny sea creature spends most of its time in the deep ocean floor feeding on shrimp and small polychaete worms.


The coelacanth is a type of fish that was thought to be extinct for over 70 million years. It was found in 1938 and is the only living member of its species.

The coelacanth has been found as deep as 2,000 feet below the surface of the ocean and they are still able to thrive in these dark waters. The coelacanth has a number of strange features that make it unique from other fish species, including a brain that is ten times larger than other fish.

This is the only living member of its species. In 1938 an amateur ichthyologist named Marjorie Courteney Selenka discovered an oddly shaped fish in a fisherman’s net and realized it was a coelacanth. The coelacanth is an ancient fish that has never been seen before and scientists thought it was extinct for 70 million years.

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