When Will These Animals Become Extinct?


The world is experiencing a rapid extinction of animals and plants. In the past, humans were able to manage the extinction of species by hunting them or preventing them from breeding. But as technology has progressed, we have been able to go further and further with our impact on the environment.

In the next 100 years, these 4 animals will be extinct:

The panda, The polar bear, the chimpanzee and the rhino are three animals that have been around for a lot of time. But due to their dwindling numbers, they will be extinct in the next 100 years.

1- The panda

When Will These Animals Become Extinct
When Will These Animals Become Extinct

The panda is one of the most recognizable animals on Earth and is found in China. It has been estimated that there are only 1,000 pandas left in the wild. These animals live in China and other parts of Asia. It has a black and white coat with patches of brown and orange. The panda’s diet consists mainly of bamboo shoots and leaves, which they eat while chewing them with their two pairs of rounded molars. They also like to eat meat from other creatures when they can get it.


2- The polar bear

When Will These Animals Become Extinct
When Will These Animals Become Extinct

The polar bear is already threatened by climate change, but some scientists predict that they will become extinct within a century. It’s not just the polar bears that are at risk – many other animals share their habitat and rely on it for their own survival as well. Polar bears have been on Earth for over 50,000 years and were once hunted to near extinction by humans. However, they are now thriving in the Arctic regions and are listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

3- The chimpanzee

When Will These Animals Become Extinct
When Will These Animals Become Extinct

The chimpanzee is an animal that has been around for about 50 million years ago. This animal can be found in Africa where their habitat ranges. The most common cause for extinction is habitat loss or habitat fragmentation, but there are also many other factors that contribute to the dwindling population of chimpanzees.


4- The rhino

When Will These Animals Become Extinct
When Will These Animals Become Extinct

The rhino poaching has increased since 2008, with a total of 3,200 rhinos killed for their horns in South Africa alone between 2008 and 2017. The rhino horn is sometimes used in traditional Asian medicines as an aphrodisiac or to cure fevers.

When will these animals become extinct?

It’s hard to say when these animals will become extinct but the data is clear that their population is declining.

The first animal species to go extinct was a bird called the dodo. It was hunted for food and its habitat had been destroyed by humans. The last dodo died in 1681.

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